Who am I? My name's Doug Williams. I'm a concept artist living in Edmonds (just outside of Seattle), Washington. I live with my lovely wife Kate, and our loveable, but mean cat. I work primarily as a concept artist for game companies. Recently, I've also been doing textures for characters and objects. Hopefully within the next few years I'll be able to expand my resume to film and comics.
I enjoy trying all sorts of mediums and styles. Lately I really enjoy doing pencil sketches with digital coloring. It goes really fast, and the art programs (for me, primarily Photoshop 7) can finally give a loose and not so digital feel. I also enjoy doing marker comps, mainly because they're fast and easy to do.
I'm a huge fan of a lot of artists, Katsuya Terada, Koji Morimoto, Peter Chan, Doug Chiang, Moebius, any of the Star Wars art department artist (from any of the films), Craig Mullins, Bengal, Mike Mignola and a whole slew of others. If you think my style looks like somebody else's, you're probably right. I borrow a lot from different artists, but think I still retain a little bit of Doug in them.
Have fun checking out my site; hopefully I'll learn how to update it one day. Until then, enjoy what I got and have fun looking around.
Doug Williams
If you're at all interested in freelance or contract art feel free to contact me.
